lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Feliz Navidad y Próspero 2013

The jingle bells are jingling
The streets are white with snow
The happy crowds are mingling
But there's no one that I know

I'm sure that you'll forgive me
If I don't enthuse
I guess I've got the Christmas blues

I've done my window shopping
There's not a store I've missed
But what's the use of stopping
When there's no one on your list

You'll know the way I'm feeling
When you love and you lose
I guess I've got the Christmas blues

When somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Christmas is a joy of joy
But friends, when you're lonely
You'll find that it's only
A thing for little girls and little boys

May all your days be merry
Your seasons full of cheer
But till it's January
I'll just go and disappear

Old Santa may have brought you
Some stars for your shoes
But Santa only brought me the blues
Those brightly packaged
Tinsel covered Christmas blues

Old Santa may have brought you
Some stars for your shoes
But Santa only brought me the blues
Those brightly packaged
Tinsel covered Christmas blues 

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